Provide your product/merchandise for event gift bags, event prize item/VIP giveaways, silent auction items (product/gift certificates) and/or other interests in participating in this event. Send email to bristolentertainmentgroup@gmail.com or fill out the form below. 

additional sponsorship Opportunities

Submit Your Company Logo

Please use the form below when submitting your company logo for sponsorship.

Logo Specs: Pleases note that all logos need to be 300dpi. 

Diamond Plus Level $7,500:
25 admission tickets, reserved seats for concert, banner on Main Stage, listing on Sponsor Board, logo on step & repeat, website and large event screen, Double page ads, business announced throughout event by emcee T-shirts and  25 gift bags. (See Logo Submission Form below.)

Diamond "Record" Level $5,000: 
15 admission tickets, reserved seats for concert, listing on Sponsor Board, logo on step & repeat, website and large event screen, full and half page ads, business announced throughout event by emcee, T-shirts and 15 gift bags. (See Logo Submission Form below.)

Platinum "Record" Level $3,500:
10 admission tickets, reserved seats for concert, listing on Sponsor Board, logo on website and large event screen, full page ad, business announced by emcee, T-shirts and 10 gift bags. (See Logo Submission Form below.)

Gold "Record" Level $2,500:
8 admission tickets, reserved seats for concert, listing on Sponsor Board, logo on website and large event screen, half page ad, business announce by emcee, T-shirts and 8 gift bags. (See Logo Submission Form below.)

Bowling Lane Sponsor $1,500:
5 admission tickets, lane signage of your business, listing on Sponsor Board, logo on website, half page ad, business announced by emcee, 5 gift bags. (See Logo Submission Form below.)